Jhon Freddy Puentes



Software engineer, digitally transforming business and people's lives. I have been involved in the development process of IT Solutions, Software, Databases, Web Services and Mobile Applications mainly, always innovating and creating with cutting-edge technologies.

Passionate about constant improvement, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Research and search for knowledge that provides solutions to the problems and needs of our society

Engineering Leader & Software Engineer.

I love programming and leading engineering teams. I have the skills to solve computer problems of all kinds. I like to create scalable systems, automate things and teach what I know.

  • Birthday: February
  • Website: github.com/jfreddypuentes
  • City: Bogotá D.C. - Colombia
  • Degree: Professional
  • Contact: jfreddypuentes@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

Do you need to solve a cloud computing problem? automation? programming? Web services? databases? touch me and I will help you.


Over the years I have faced many problems that have allowed me to develop various technical and non-technical skills. Between them:

Programming (Java-Python-Javascript-R)100%
Cloud Computing 90%
Databases 90%
Web Services and Microservices 100%
Software Architecture and system Design 90%
Leadership 90%


Profile, education and experience below


Jhon Freddy Puentes

Software engineer and technical leader with more than 6 years of experience in the design and development of scalable and high quality digital products.

  • Bogotá D.C., Cundinamarca - Colombia
  • jfreddypuentes@gmail.com


Specialist in strategic data analytics (WIP)

2020 - 2021

Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Bogotá D.C.

Systems Engineer

2013 - 2018

Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz, Bogotá D.C.

technologist in data systematization

2011 - 2015

Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá D.C.

Professional Experience

Head of Engineering

2020 - Present

Farmatodo, Colombia, Bogotá

  • Lead in the design, development, and implementation of the of new digital products.
  • Make the team grow personally and professionally.
  • Development of soft and technical skills.
  • Ensure platform stability and performance 24/7

Backend Lead

2017 - 2019

Farmatodo, Colombia, Bogotá

  • Backend development leader. Analysis, design and implementation of scalable cloud solutions.
  • Lead a team of software engineers.
  • Technical knowledge facilitator
  • Quality assurance in software development.

Java & Python Developer

2011 - 2017

Colombia, Bogotá

  • Software Development


Some of the most interesting and fun projects, experiments, workshops are:

Open Source

  • spanlp - nlp applied for spanish vulgarity. A fast, robust Python library to check for profanity or offensive language in Spanish strings. It contains all the rude words of Spanish-speaking countries.

Natural Lenguage Processing

  • Datatul.com - APIs for data analytics and natural language processing
  • tweepy - Small tweeter data extraction, cleaning and visualization workshop
  • word cloud (Songs lyrics) - I reviewed the songs that represent my country Colombia and with a cloud of words I found what they talk about.
  • KMeans - Small workshop about Kmeans.
  • Topic ModelingTopic Modeling - Modeling and extraction of themes from text.
  • Word2vec - Free practice using the Word2Vec technique.
  • Word cloud (wines) - Basic analysis with pandas and word cloud of world wine production data.
  • tf-idf - Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) practical example. A method that calculates how relevant or important a word is to a document in a collection of documents.
  • feature engineering - Vector representation of text and feature extraction
  • Pre-processing Text - Functions for cleaning text.
  • Web Scraping - Wikipedia Web Scraping, Read content from txt files into a .zip, Python

Machine Learning

  • Fraud Web App - Web application that consumes a machine learning model exposed through an API to detect fraud.
  • SVM with Iris- Iris Flower Sorting Implementation with SVM.
  • Digits classification tensorflow - Digits classification with tensorflow framework.
  • Logistic Regression - Implementation of a logistic regression with the sklearn library.
  • Adaline as LR - Implementation of Adaline (Adaptive Linear Neuron) for Logistic Regression.
  • Logistics cost function - Implementation of how cost penalties are calculated in wrong predictions in ML
  • Sigmoid function - The sigmoid function takes values ​​of real numbers as input and transforms them into values ​​between 0 and 1. It has intercept 0.5, sigmoid (0) = 0.5


  • (Software) Statistical Quality Control - Autonomous software for statistical quality control in small and medium-sized companies dedicated to the continuous production of products. The software is built under the Java 7 and Python 2.7 platform
  • (Book) Big data fundamentals- Book about Big data fundamentals. It contains examples and exercises.


  • Tech community leader - Technology community where we share and learn together. Join up! It's free!


I teach, program software, deploy, solve, analyze. How can I help you?

